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Sounds nifty! Actually, the idea of 1966 era Tuesday Weld modeling cashmere sweaters was enough for me to include it in my GreenCine queue. Also, wasn't Roddy a bit old to be playing a H.S. senior in 1966? I mean, he was, like, 10 or 12 when he made How Green Was My Valley, and that came out in the early 40s. Well, he did have a certain youthful countenance throughout his life. It must have been the clean living.


LLaD is one of my favorite films of the '60s, (along with The President's Analyst). I read an interview with Axelrod about LLaD, describing how he showed a Godard flick to his crew before they started shooting. They thought he was crazy. He also got into a fight with one of the crew who kept dirtying up the blackboards in the schoolrooms. He wanted them to look like they'd never been used. And what about that rock band singing Gaudeamus Igitur before the mayhem ensues?


I was really taken by Axelrod on that short "making of" film that's included on the DVD. The guy seems like he really wanted to do something subversive.

And Sean -- they are actually all a bit too old to be playing HS students, but...what the heck. Tuesday Weld is stunning, and Lynn Carey's bikini gyrations are...well....interesting.

Fred Flintstone

Actually, Roddy being too old isn't surprising, since his character may be the devil (or some sort of malign spirit). I've always assumed that the characters in the film may see him slightly differently than we the viewers do.

Chewie Chogee

Which one was the "Duck" of title, "Lord Love a Duck": Alan, Barbara or the movie viewer?


Where can I get a picture of that brunette on the boat, laying on her stomach in "Lord Love a Duck" ?

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